Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ministry Ideas

Memory Verses
I'm the crafts leader at our church, but our focus should not be on making the greatest crafts. It is our responisibility, just as much as the bible study leaders, to introduce every child to God's word.
I’m sure each class said their verses and handed out prizes, but I held a contest each day to see who could say the most VBS verses.
I had plenty of helpers, so after I explained the craft, I spent most of my time talking to the kids and listening to verses.
Bonus!: I really knew the verses by the end of the week
Winners got to choose one of my decorations to take home on Friday. It was a great way to get rid of bulky decorations.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! My name is Jennifer and we also did this vbs program years back. absolutely loved it! we are taking a group to the Dominican republic for a missions trip to do a kids camp, and agreed on this program. My only problem is that unfortunately I didn't seem to save everything. I have only found day 4 and 5, unsure why. I am desperately seeking anyone who could help! I have contacted Lifeway and they no longer have any materials. I am willing to pay. Looking mainly for the Bible. no craft or decorations as we have to ship by freight anything we take a month prior. Our trip is set for July 2015. please contact me at
thank you in advance for any help. prayerfully hopeful Jennifer